Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analysis of elizabeth barret browning's work and contemplation poem Essay

Analysis of elizabeth barret browning's work and contemplation poem - Essay Example A lot of her works are in the possession of Moulton-Barrett family but the majority is safely kept in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library. Elizabeth Browning was greatly enriched by the complex political, social and economic situation of the times as a lot of people she came across were from different ethnic borders and cultural backgrounds. Women poets during the Victorian Age, existed at a time when religion was a critical or vital part of their identities. â€Å"Work and Contemplation† is one of her reflective poems that make her readers to sit back and reflect upon the thoughts of the poet. In the poem the poet speaks of a lady who sits patiently at her spinning wheel spinning the yarn she has gathered. While engaged in her work of spinning, the woman sings an enchanting ballad or a bar Carole, which helps to make her work lighter and much more pleasant to perform. Elizabeth in her poem â€Å"Work and Contemplation† reflects on the aspect that even though the woman is doing a tedious job of spinning her yarn from morning to night, and though she thinks of her song, still she contemplates on the duty before her which is spinning. This can be clearly seen from these following lines in the poem – The poet wants to tell us that the lady has full control as she deftly carries out her work though she is contemplating on the song she sings. She also wants to let us know that it is possible to do both things at the same time as long as it is harmonious. Her Christian thoughts come to fore as she pleads with the reader to purse their work with full contemplation but at the same time let our souls pursue a much higher level of thinking to enjoy some respite such as the sweetness of a song, so our work would be less tedious and much more

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