Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mexican Cartels - 1044 Words

I. Introduction A. Greeting/ hello hows everybody doing? B. Attention getter/ Bullets begin flying, armored soldiers and drug cartel members fight it out on the steets killing each other and the surrounding civilians that are innocently just watching as they are caught in the cross fire. Now you may wonder where is this happening..Irag? Afganistan? No Its actually just south of us its happening in Mexico. C. I know this because as crazy as it sounds one of my cousins is in a drug cartel and I’ve seen the bullet holes, the blown up buildings, the blown up cars and the blood on the streets from the people that got shot when I visited Mexico. D. Thesis statement/ Although Mexico has been a producer and transportation route for illegal†¦show more content†¦c. Why are they going with the cartels? The Cartels intimidate them, tell them there going to kill them and there families if they don’t do what they tell them to do. 3. Sub point/ This is where the personal impact comes into play. a. As I told you guys earlier my cousin josue is in a Cartel to be specific it’s called Los Zetas. b. When I went to Mexico in 2008 (testimony) *Transition* Now that I told you about the Political and personal impact the drug cartels have in Mexico I’m going to wrap it up III. Conclusion A. Signal closing B. Restate thesis/ There has been a large increase in the smuggling of contraband, such as drugs, and firearms, into the U.S, and violence spilling onto our border cities due to the drug wars between the drug cartels in Mexico. C. Review main points 1. Main point #1 History of drug cartels and how they began 2. Main point #2 What is going on in present time Mexico 3. Main point #2 Political and personal impact D. Memorable statement / Now 47,515 people is way to many people to have been killed in a drug war that is happening right across our borders and that is why its something we need to know about and hopefully this speech filled you in something that you might have not known about. 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