Monday, August 19, 2019

Public vs Private Education in Australia Essay -- essays papers

Public vs Private Education in Australia Every one in Australia wants the best education for the individual. The question is which one. Public or Private ? Education is one of the most important factors in determining what a person will become as a member of Australia's society. Because education is so important there are many questions that are asked for which is the better. The key terms for this topic are: Government School: one administered by the Department of Education in each State/Territory Non-government School: (private school) any school not administered by the Department of Eduaction, but including special schools administered by government authorities other than the State/Territory Education Department School: an educational institution which provides primary or secondary education on a full-time daily basis, or by radio or correspondence Over the past decade there has been a enrolment drift in education from public schools to private schools. In the year 2001 this enrolment drift has continued. In 1980 there were 78% of all students in public education, but last year there were less than 69%. There are a total of 2 248 275 students in public schools (ABS 12/02/2001). While Australia only has 69% of all students in public education, the United States and the UK have 90% of all students in public education. Over the past decade there has been a increase in enrolments at private schools.There has been a steady increase of enrolments in private education. In 1980 there was only 22% and in 1990 there was 28%, and in the year 2000 there was around 31% or 999 181 students in Australia attending a private school (ABS 12/02/2001). Year 12 retention rates across the board have had a continual increase. Year 12 retention rate: the percentage of full-time students of a given cohort group who continue from the 1st year of secondary schooling to Year 12. "The apparent retention rate of secondary students from Year 10 to Year 12 remained at the same level as the previous year at 74.4%. In 1990 the equivalent rate was 66.5%" ( The retention rates for public and private schools has not been as even. In 1985 the apparent retention rates for public schools was around 40% while private schools was around 65%. In 1995 public schools retention rates was around 66% while private scho... ...which the public schools can find to be very frastrating. Along with anything in Australia it has it's positives and negatives. To view these positives and negatives refer to appendix three. To view the positives and negatives for private schools refer to appendix four. More students in Australia today are moving away from public education and into private education because private education is perceived to offer more job opportunities for the individual. Bibliography: (2000),"Queensland Teachers' Journal",Protecting Public Education, 31 August 2000,p 6. Bagnall, D.(1999),"The Bulletin",Values-added education, Sydney,AVP Publishing Pty Ltd, 24 August 1999,pp 20-25. Commonwealth of Australia,(2001)."Australian Bureau of Statistics",Education and Training, (16 May 2001). Commonwealth of Australia,(2001)."Australian Bureau of Statistics Book",Education and Training. Fordham, B.(2000),"Ninemsn",The great debate: public vs private schools, 460.asp (1 May 2001). Gauci, J.(2000),"Kemp's bill rips off public education", (13 May 2001). Public vs Private Education in Australia Essay -- essays papers Public vs Private Education in Australia Every one in Australia wants the best education for the individual. The question is which one. Public or Private ? Education is one of the most important factors in determining what a person will become as a member of Australia's society. Because education is so important there are many questions that are asked for which is the better. The key terms for this topic are: Government School: one administered by the Department of Education in each State/Territory Non-government School: (private school) any school not administered by the Department of Eduaction, but including special schools administered by government authorities other than the State/Territory Education Department School: an educational institution which provides primary or secondary education on a full-time daily basis, or by radio or correspondence Over the past decade there has been a enrolment drift in education from public schools to private schools. In the year 2001 this enrolment drift has continued. In 1980 there were 78% of all students in public education, but last year there were less than 69%. There are a total of 2 248 275 students in public schools (ABS 12/02/2001). While Australia only has 69% of all students in public education, the United States and the UK have 90% of all students in public education. Over the past decade there has been a increase in enrolments at private schools.There has been a steady increase of enrolments in private education. In 1980 there was only 22% and in 1990 there was 28%, and in the year 2000 there was around 31% or 999 181 students in Australia attending a private school (ABS 12/02/2001). Year 12 retention rates across the board have had a continual increase. Year 12 retention rate: the percentage of full-time students of a given cohort group who continue from the 1st year of secondary schooling to Year 12. "The apparent retention rate of secondary students from Year 10 to Year 12 remained at the same level as the previous year at 74.4%. In 1990 the equivalent rate was 66.5%" ( The retention rates for public and private schools has not been as even. In 1985 the apparent retention rates for public schools was around 40% while private schools was around 65%. In 1995 public schools retention rates was around 66% while private scho... ...which the public schools can find to be very frastrating. Along with anything in Australia it has it's positives and negatives. To view these positives and negatives refer to appendix three. To view the positives and negatives for private schools refer to appendix four. More students in Australia today are moving away from public education and into private education because private education is perceived to offer more job opportunities for the individual. Bibliography: (2000),"Queensland Teachers' Journal",Protecting Public Education, 31 August 2000,p 6. Bagnall, D.(1999),"The Bulletin",Values-added education, Sydney,AVP Publishing Pty Ltd, 24 August 1999,pp 20-25. Commonwealth of Australia,(2001)."Australian Bureau of Statistics",Education and Training, (16 May 2001). Commonwealth of Australia,(2001)."Australian Bureau of Statistics Book",Education and Training. Fordham, B.(2000),"Ninemsn",The great debate: public vs private schools, 460.asp (1 May 2001). Gauci, J.(2000),"Kemp's bill rips off public education", (13 May 2001).

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