Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Impact of Television on the 2008 Canadian Elections Essay

The Impact of Television on the 2008 Canadian Elections - Essay Example It i a very good mean of entertainment. It i a ource of entertainment for all age group,right from children to the aged. One can watch colorful animated cartoon for children a well a health how and port for adult. One can even watch movie at home and thu the time and train one ha to take to buy ticket or go to the theater i aved. A peron who i worned out from office can come home and relax himelf to watch hi favorite TV program. Televiion can never bore anyone and erve a a good time pa. Televiion i alo a good TV for a peron to be upgraded with the knowledge of what i happening around the world. Televiion or I can ay ' The Fifth Etate ', next to newpaper can tell people of the recent event happening around u. People now can ee the Iraq war in their drawing room through private TV channel like CNN, BBC, FOX etc. hown on TV, which would never be poible without the televiion. Cinema award and important port pogramme are being watched live nowaday by million of viewer through TV. Thi TV can even change the political life and ha changed it in many countrie. People can upgrade themelve about the government epecially during day of election and budget eion. For example,the downfall of Rajiv Gandhi in India due to the Bofor' crii wa becaue of different type of ma TV like the televiion. Through televiion one can know the detail of recent dicoverie,innovation ,invention and achievement viually happening around the globe. ... Hence,apart from telephone and airplane,I feel televiion are an innovation that ha changed our live and i one of the main reaon for making the world a 'global village'. The introduction of televiion and it component into the political proce ha greatly influenced politic. Televiion ha given politician a whole new way to communicate and expre their belief to voter. There are a few ignificant effect that thi form of TV ha had on the political proce. Firtly, televiion tend to make political life more fluid and volatile. Outcome are much harder to predict with campaign now becaue a ingle performance before a huge audience can eaily end or precipitate iue almot intantaneouly. For intance, during the 1988 federal election, John Turner' TV debate performance reurrected the Liberal party and almot made them win the election. If it wan't for the televied debate, the Liberal would have urely been doomed. Televiion alo force much of the backtage machinery of political life to endure extremely heavy expoure, making it much more open than it ued to be. Prior to the TV, politician and their aociate were only known by their public appearance and campaign, leaving what happened outide thee appearance in the dark. Becaue of TV and the candid camera, the politician and the election can be looked at in more depth now. Political party convention and other 'behind the cene' event can now be televied and hown to the general public. The nationalization of politic i alo a reult temming mainly from televiion. Becaue the party leader i the main peron een on TV, politic at the riding level tend to uffer greatly. Voter do not really care about who i running in their riding; they are more concerned about the party

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